Friday, January 24, 2014

Session #4 Education as Innovation Ticket out Responses

What are you curious about?

1. The best way to evaluate the quality/impact of an education and why is it important?
  • Refer reading #1 and #2 and you can look at this [Article]
2. Is there an accepted definition for education?
  • Refer reading #1
3. Do we have to pay to send letters to our pen pals?
  • You will exchange emails with your pen pals.
4. Mexico's Progresa Program mention in the reading
  • Check out Progress against poverty : sustaining Mexico's Progresa-Oportunidades program Book  available at PSU [ Library]
5. Factor affecting education progressing
  • We will keep this question as our lingering questions.
7. I would like to learn more about health & fertility and education roles
  • Refer reading #1
8. Are other nations or developing nations welcome our help? is it our place to step in?
9. Education (Agriculture education) in other developing countries
  • You will get the chance to talk to our guest speakers and also exchange stories with your Pen Pals. 
10.How does government funding towards education effect the education system of a particular country?
  • This is good question to ask our guest speakers.
11.Since education is hard to quantify how do researchers that study it go about their work
  • Excellent question. you might be interested to read this Book :
    Challenges for educational research,  edited by Jean Rudduck and Donald McIntyre

What did you learn?

1.The factors of education (income, health and fertility) affect education and are affected by it, and affect each other
2. The effect of education and fertility
3.Factor involved in developing education systems
4.People's view points on education
5.Income, Education, Fertility
6. How education can impact health and fertility
7.That I am grateful to have had CED classes in the past to integrate into this course material
8. About Education impact on the world
9.Many variables inhibit the study of achieving universal education
10. Everyone defines education and being educated differently making researching education hard

What do you want to learn more about
1. What other aspect of human such as capital/health contributes to success
  • Almost everything!
2. How school should decide how to use their resources to best meet the need of their children esp if they have very limited resources.
  • This is another good question to ask our guest speakers.
3.How the UN plan on implementing their MDG of universal education goal
5. How do researchers identify and isolate factor that effect education.
  • In an educational research there is a process called Identifying Research Problem. Read More [Here]

1 comment:

  1. Questions numbers 1, 2 and 8 under "What are you curious about?"- these are great questions to reflect on as you think about your "This I Believe" essays.
