Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Preparing for Session 25

Please read Reading #15 AND one of the three links I tweeted on the topic of engaging youth in agriculture (find them right next to this post or under #AEE400).  If you can find your own link about youth in agriculture, please feel free to share it with your classmates.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Preparing for Session 23

Please visit the Reading #14 folder in ANGEL.  Peruse at least two of the resources - there are videos, short articles and websites that address various aspects of innovation in education.  You might want to do some additional research to find examples of implementation, etc.

As you research these innovations, consider:
  1. Why is innovation in education needed?
  2. What characteristics make the idea/technology/etc innovative?
  3. Is the innovation widely diffused? 
  4. Which learning environments is the innovation best suited for?  Could the innovation be adapted to other learning environments?
  5. What are the barriers to innovation implementation?

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Readings: Sessions 21 and 22

Please read #12 for next Tuesday, Session 21 and #13 for next Thursday, Session 22.  NOTE THAT THIS IS A CHANGE FROM WHAT IS PRINTED IN THE SYLLABUS.

Local vs. Global Science (Reading #12)
  • What is local science/indigenous knowledge?
  • What is global science/knowledge?
  • What are the similarities and differences between local and global science?
  • Why is local science important to agriculture?  To education?
  • Does local science always clash with global science?
  • Can you think of an example of local science/indigenous knowledge in your own life?
Diffusion of Innovations (Reading #13)
  • What is diffusion?
  • How does diffusion relate to education?
  • How did diffusion of innovations begin?
  • Can diffusion be harmful?
  • consider the examples in the chapter.  why are some instances of diffusion more successful than others?
  • Make sure that you can define all the main terms highlighted in the chapter.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Case Study Sign-ups

Can't remember which country case study you signed up for?  Here's the list:

Senegal - M. Rider

Ghana - Matt

Uganda - Mary

Kenya - Cara

India 1 - Rachel

India 2 - Nate

Bangladesh - Silvia

Malawi - Mike

Burkina Faso - Addie

Ecuador - Samantha

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Change in reading assignments

For Tuesday, March 17, please read #8 and #10.  For #10, read the case study that you signed up for in class.

On Tuesday, March 17, bring two copies of the following: a 250 word abstract summarizing the case study and a detailed SWOT analysis.  One copy will be turned in at the beginning of class in place of your reading quiz and the second copy will be for sharing in class.

Note: reading #9 is optional.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Global Learning Plan

Before coming to the Global Learning Plan Workshop on Thursday, make sure to review Reading #7 (SMART goals) posted on ANGEL.

Practice writing at least two SMART goals before coming to class.  Check your work to make sure that you have included all of the criteria of a SMART goal.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Social Barriers - from the Thunderbirds

◦Subject (Math/Science)

◦Skillset based on gender alone

◦Family Backgrounds

◦Value of Education

◦Cultural Norms

◦Programs/ lack of programs

◦Programs put in place to exclude women

◦Social Tension

◦Low social status of women and traditional image of the role of women in society

◦ Negative perception of the education of girls and women

◦Girl’s education seen as incompatible with religious or traditional principles

◦Early marriage and pregnancy

◦Over-importance given to dowry

◦Low educational level of parents

◦Difficulty for educated girls to get married


Value of education scholarship...
Archer, L., Hutchings, M., Ross, A., Leathwood, C., Gilchrist, R., & Phillips, D. (2003). Higher Education and Social Class. RoutledgeFalmer. Retrieved February 1, 2015, from https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=g2iBAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=social barriers in education&ots=KYqVoecVzb&sig=__oXxKHRT3NtxQPTO-kXF9gz6h4#v=onepage&q=social barriers in education&f=false

Political Barriers to Education - from Juicy Dragons

● (S) Policies that exclude access to education
a. Females
i. Brock, T. (2010). Young adults and higher education: Barriers and breakthroughs to success. The Future of Children, 20(1). 109-132. doi:10.1353/foc.0.0040
ii. Kane, J. (2006). Including and excluding girls. Gender and Education, 18(5), 561-565. doi:10.1080/09540250600881725
● (A) Political instability
a. countries at war
b. political unrest, constant changes in government and leadership
c. corruption-Child Soldiers
d. Child Refugees
i. Educate a Child, Barrier: Refugee (2014), retrieved from: http://educateachild.org/explore/barriers-to-education/refugees
ii. UNESCO, 2013. Children still battling to go to school. Education for All Global Monitoring Report Policy Paper 10. Retrieved from:http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002216/221668E.pdf

● (R) Underrepresentation of women in decision making
a. Rai, Shirin. (2014). From barrier to enabler: how politics can help girls live up to their potential. The Guardian. Retrieved from  http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2014/oct/22/politics-adolescent-girls-empowerment
b. Steyn, G. M., & Parsaloi, M. W. (2014). Moving towards Gender Equality: The Case of Female Head Teachers in Kenya. Gender & Behaviour, 12(3), 5980-5993.
c. Howell, J. (2006). Women's Political Participation in China: in whose interests elections?. Journal Of Contemporary China, 15(49), 603-619. doi:10.1080/10670560600836614
● (R) Weak legislation on
a. official age for first marriage, sexual abuse, and pregnancies in school
i. Tanzania: Child Marriage Harms Girls. (2014). Retrieved from http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/10/29/tanzania-child-marriage-harms-girls
ii. Human Rights Watch. (2014).No Way Out: Marriage and Human Rights Abuses in Tanzania. Retrieved from  http://www.hrw.org/node/130124
iii. Child Marriage and The Law. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.girlsnotbrides.org/child-marriage-law/
iv. Chilisa, B. (2002). National Policies on Pregnancy in Education Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Botswana. Gender & Education, 14(1), 21-35. doi:10.1080/09540250120098852
● (R) Policies on infrastructure, safety, and abundance
a. EDUCATION IN AFGHANISTAN. (2005). Herizons, 1810.
b. Barriers to Education. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.care.org/our-work/education/girls-education/barriers-education
c. Adelman, H.,  & Taylor, L.  (2011). Expanding School Improvement Policy to Better Address Barriers to Learning. Policy Futures in Education. 9, 431-436. Retrived from http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/expandingsip.pdf

● (A) Weak legislation on
a. official school entry
b. obligatory enrollment
c. enrollment for undocumented immigrants (*Malaysia)
i. UNESCO. (2004). Gender and education for all: The leap to equality. Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2003/2004. http://www.uis.unesco.org/Education/Documents/efa_gmr_2003-4.pdf

Economic Barriers from AMM

• What percentages of governments’ budgets go towards education? Specifically within OECD countries.
o The top three nations (Finland, Korea, and Canada) spent 4% of their budgets, in 2014. The average for OECD nations was 3.8%, yet the United States was slightly less (3.7%).
o For a better visual, see here: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS/countries?display=map
• How many countries have primary public education?
o Most countries have free, compulsory primary education.
 http://worldpolicyforum.org/global-maps/is-primary-education-tuition-free-and-compulsory/
o Most countries require the beginning of secondary education. (Africa, is the only continent where this is predominantly untrue.)
 http://worldpolicyforum.org/global-maps/is-beginning-secondary-education-compulsory/
o Completion of secondary education, is not mandatory in most countries though, regardless if it is tuition free.
 http://worldpolicyforum.org/global-maps/is-completing-secondary-education-tuition-free-and-compulsory/

• Public education in states, federal funds, K-12 education funding
• Barrier #1:
o Federal funding for public schools in U.S., K-12 education
o Provide teachers’ professional development and training
o Provide help for students who do not speak English
o Supply scientifically based research for better instruction to students
• Barrier #2:
o Cost of HIV/AIDS
o Money spent on teacher’s salaries that include absences due to HIV-related illnesses
o Money spent on educating teachers on how to cope with HIV/AIDS

NCEE » Comparative Data for Top Performing Countries. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2015, from http://www.ncee.org/programs-affiliates/center-on-international-education-benchmarking/comparative-data-for-top-performing-countries/
Education - WORLD Policy Forum. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2015, from http://worldpolicyforum.org/global-maps/education/
Grassly, N., Desai, K., Pegurri, E., Sikazwe, A., Malambo, I., Siamatowe, C., & Bundy, D. (2003). The economic impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector in Zambia. AIDS, 17(7), 1039-1044. file:///Users/922slee/Downloads/The_economic_impact_of_HIV_AIDS_on_the_education.13.pdf

Archived: 10 Fact About K-12 Education Funding. (n.d.).

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Reading #6

While reading, consider the following:
  • What is gender parity?
  • Describe regional gender parity in primary and secondary education.  What are some of the contributing factors to varying levels of participation by males and females? 
  • Describe gender parity and participation in TVET.  What are some of the contributing factors to varying levels of participation by males and females?
  • What are the similarities and differences in gender participation in TVET across regions?
  • Regarding gender biases in education, what are some of the interventions that seem to result in positive improvements?
The reading quiz for Reading #6 will be held on February 12, due to the extra day allowed for lesson planning.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

More information - Pacayitas

Rachel asked Paige about how to find Pacayitas and the butterfly farm on Google maps.  Here's her response:

Often Pacayitas doesn’t show up on the map.  If you type the neighboring town, Mollejones, Costa Rica into google maps and zoom in, you can find Pacayitas in the lower left (just a bit southwest from Mollejones).  You can actually see the butterfly farm on the map, at the bottom edge of town, by a bus stop.  It is called Finca Vialig.  Here's the link:

In response to a question asking Paige to clarify local agricultural activities, here's how she responded:

The main product is sugar cane.  There is also some coffee production, but pretty minimal.  Most families have gardens or plants such as bananas, guava, berries, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, etc in their yards.  There are several dairies outside of town, and they have a cheese factory in the town. 

Don't hesitate to ask additional questions!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cultural Differences and Agricultural Education

In today's class we discussed how classroom cultural norms vary across the world.  Interested in learning more?  Check out the "Supplemental Reading" folder found within the "Resources" folder on ANGEL.  There I have posted a practice dialogue found in a Korean "Agricultural English" textbook.

The dialogue is found in the chapter on companion animals.  Consider the following:
  • What was surprising to you about this dialogue?
  • Can you see elements of Korean culture in this dialogue?
  • What would you expect in a dialogue on this topic coming from a U.S. American cultural perspective?
Please share your thoughts and comments by using the comment box below.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Reading #5

As you read, consider the following:

  • Describe differences in points of view between the teacher and the students.

  • Discuss how the teacher could change her teaching practices in order to better accommodate the local context.

  • What lessons can you take away from this Peace Corps member's teaching experience?  How can you apply these lessons to Assignment #5 (Design your own agricultural education program)?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Global Education Infographic - Juicy Dragons

Food Security Infographic from the Thunderbirds


The Global Food Security Index. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2015, from http://foodsecurityindex.eiu.com/Home/About

Hunger and Poverty Fact Sheet. (2015, January 1). Retrieved January 22, 2015, from http://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america/impact-of-hunger/hunger-and-poverty/hunger-and-poverty-fact-sheet.html?gclid=CjwKEAiA3IKmBRDFx-P_rLyt6QUSJACqiAN8B50cRyOYqsJqlfOjNK7KbgeFO1GuqrRT279sko6ahoCbYfw_wcB

FAO.org. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2015, from http://www.fao.org/publications/sofi/2014/en/

Food Security Infographic - AMM

Current World Population. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/

FAO.org. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2015, from http://www.fao.org/publications/sofi/2013/en/

Food Security. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2015, http://www.who.int/trade/glossary/story028/en/

Food Waste Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from http://www.unep.org/wed/2013/quickfacts/
Poverty. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from http://www.iwpr.org/initiatives/poverty
USDA ERS - Chart: In the last half decade, food price inflation was greater than overall inflation. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/detail.aspx?chartId=40081&ref=collection&embed=True
World Food Programme Fighting Hunger Worldwide. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from http://www.wfp.org/hunger/causes
(n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/population/population_change_structure_rev1.shtml

2014 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics by World Hunger Education Service. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2015, from http://www.worldhunger.org/articles/Learn/world hunger facts 2002.htm

Friday, January 23, 2015

Readings for January 27

Note: Please note that Reading #3 is now optional.

Reading Questions for Reading(s) #4:

1. What are the MDGs and SDGs?  That is, what do the acronyms stand for and what are they?

2. What are the similarities and differences between MDGs and SDGs?

3. Have the MDGs been achieved?  What progress has been made?

4. What is the rationale for having more SDGs than MDGs?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Reading #2 - Guiding Questions

Questions to ask yourself as you read :

Why is agriculture important for a country to "develop"?

What are the connections between the wages of agricultural workers and workers in other sectors?

What are the two determinants of agricultural growth mentioned in the reading?  Are there others?

Where role do you envision for agricultural education in developing countries?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Introduction: Nur Husna (Graduate Teaching Assistant )

Hello Everyone,

My name is Nur Husna and I am a doctoral student in Workforce Education & Development at the College of Education PSU. I am also part of  PSU Visiting Global Teach Ag! Team.

In 2010 I completed a Master’s Degree in Technical and Vocational Education (agriculture education) from University Putra Malaysia (previously known as Malaysian Agriculture University). Prior coming to Penn State, I worked for the College of Education, Univerisiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) which provides teacher training programs. At UTM I teach agricultural courses such as ornamental horticulture, plant propagation and management, agro-technology and livestock production.

I am very happy to assist Dr. Melanie for a second time facilitating AEE 400: Educational Programs in Agriculture in Developing Countries.

I am very happy to help you through this experience. Let me know if you have any questions!

Instructor Introduction: Dr. Melanie Miller Foster

Hello everyone,

My name is Melanie Miller Foster and I work in the Office of International Programs in the College of Agricultural Sciences. 

My background is in rural sociology and agriscience.  I'm a proud alumna of North Dakota State University and The Ohio State University.  My current work revolves around global learning and global competency development through transformational learning opportunities. 

It's exciting to teach AEE 400: Educational Programs in Agriculture in Developing Countries for a second time in the Krause Innovation Studio.  It is my hope to create a positive and stimulating learning environment that will inspire you to become a global change agent.

Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or causes for celebration.

This is going to be a great semester!